[Featured] 20 Colossal Business Mistakes

Business mistakes entrepreneurs make everyday which can hurt their profitability and success
Instructed by: Nasser Lukmani | Subject: Business, Entrepreneurship

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Over 90% of start-up businesses fail because entrepreneurs make certain decisions which can devastate their business. This course is a collection of my top 20 colossal business business mistakes which everyone must avoid to increase their probability of success in there business life and their personal life. Some mistakes are intuitive and simple, while others are not. Yet, these mistakes are made everyday. When you are in business, being aware of what you should do is certainly important. However, being aware of what you must avoid is even more critical because in many cases, you cannot recover. By taking this course, you will position yourself and your business for success. Who this course is for: Everyone who runs their own business or is thinking of going into business Everyone who interacts with others in life such as family or friends


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