How to become an All-Star on LinkedIn

Learn Step By Step How You Can Achieve An All-Star LinkedIn Profile.
Instructed by: Daniel Lim | Subject: Personal Development, Career Development

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Would you like to become a Rock Star on LinkedIn with an All-Star Profile Status? Hi, I'm Daniel & the reason why I've created this course to help you & people just like you to gain a better understanding of how LinkedIn can help you grow your professional network and be a great resource towards reaching and accomplishing your professional goals, is because many professionals on LinkedIn do not have a complete, vibrant or robust LinkedIn Profile. Inside this Class, I will walk you thru the steps on how to to add multiple Accomplishments to your LinkedIn Profile as well as show you how to link them to your job experience, as well as share other insights and tips + a few bonus videos In this course, we will be exploring many topics including: How To Setup Your LinkedIn Profile Properly What To Put On Your LinkedIn Profile Your LinkedIn Profile How To Manage Your LinkedIn Profile How To Use LinkedIn Daily Think Of LinkedIn As A Search Engine Do's And Don'ts On LinkedIn What NOT To Do On LinkedIn Becoming an All-Star on LinkedIn Visibility and Search-ability An All-Star LinkedIn Profile Walk-thru. Overview A. Your Profile Picture B. Your LinkedIn Intro / Bio / Summary C. Your Articles and Activities D. Your Experience E. Your Education F. Your Volunteer Experience G. Your Skills H. Accomplishments: Overview I. Accomplishments: Publications J. Accomplishments: Certifications K. Accomplishments: Patents L. Accomplishments: Courses M. Accomplishments: Projects N. Accomplishments: Honors & Awards O. Accomplishments: Test Scores P. Accomplishments: Languages Q. Accomplishments: Organizations R. Additional Information: Overview S. Additional Information: Recommendations (Class Project #2) T. Support Languages (Overview) U. Support Languages: Adding another language to your LinkedIn Profile V. You Interests X. LinkedIn Profile PDF (Class Project #3) Y. Share your Profile (Class Project #4) Z. Being a Part of LinkedIn Groups Sharing your LinkedIn Profile Getting 5 Recommendations Sharing your LinkedIn Profile in PDF format Writing 5 recommendations Connecting with other class mates and members LinkedIn FAQ's LinkedIn Networking Being a LinkedIn Premium Member Bonus: Inside My LinkedIn Premium Bonus: How to Add LinkedIn Profile Badges The Optional LinkedIn Premium Membership Upgrades By the time you have completed these steps in my A to Z formula, you are ready to share your ALL-STAR LinkedIn Profile, and both automatically & organically attract viewers to your new ALL-STAR LinkedIn Profile! I wishes to also clarify: How to properly share your LinkedIn Profile, ... How to Get your first 5 Recommendations, How to turn your LinkedIn Profile into a PDF, How to Write your first 5 recommendations, and a lot more inside my All Star LinkedIn course. I'm Daniel and I created this All-Star LinkedIn Course to show you the power of LinkedIn, and encourage you to join us and many others, including your fellow classmates, in becoming official LinkedIn All-Stars. You can do it, and I can help! In fact, I WANT to help! Please let me know if there are any other specific topics regarding LinkedIn which you are most interested in learning about, in the comments. It is my desire for you to learn how you too, can leverage LinkedIn to help you be found, be understood, be able to add & receive value and have an impact in your spheres of influence. Inside this course, I shall do my best to walk you thru exactly how to become an ALL-STAR LinkedIn Professional. According to LinkedIn ... There are five levels of the LinkedIn profile status, from the least complete to highest completion. Namely: the Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert and the All-Star. Of course, You will want to be an All-Star on LinkedIn! ... Who wouldn't? This and many more LinkedIn Secrets will be revealed inside this course. For example: ... LinkedIn is very different than Facebook, and what works on Facebook often does not work on LinkedIn! This course is perfect for anyone already on LinkedIn, or new to LinkedIn, especially for College Students, Recent Grads and anyone looking to be an influencer, a professional, a sales navigator, recruiter, or job seeker. Maybe, you are entrepreneur or small business owner interested in networking, growing, expanding, hiring or promoting a product or service you are selling. and or would like to advertise, get leads, learn more skills or master LinkedIn so you can be more effective and knowledgeable. This LinkedIn course is perfect for both employers and employees too. Whatever your reason, ... perfecting your LinkedIn Profile is vital! I will explain more why inside. Please keep in mind that becoming and being an All-Star is an on-going process, that does not end, even when you retire. Case in point, I am personally connected with many retired people, who are still very active on LinkedIn, because they can make a real difference and continue to have a lasting impact, leaving a legacy and mark on countless people's lives. So you are never too old for LinkedIn, and for that matter, you can never be too young either. I have noticed and seen many High School Students on LinkedIn recently, and expects more and more will join LinkedIn to get a head-start. If you are interested to know more about me and what else I do, please feel free to check out his All-Star LinkedIn Profile, and while you do, be sure to connect with me on LinkedIn! You can find me if you search for deardanielim on LinkedIn. Did you know that I always messages each of his new connections, just to try to get to know them? So, please be sure to reply his initial message, and make sure you inform him that you are a member of one of his online courses and that's how you found him. Tell him I asked you to connect with him. Thank you for your interest in becoming an All-Star on LinkedIn! See you on the inside of my All-Star LinkedIn Online Course! Who this course is for: Students who want to start looking for work. New Graduates Looking for Work or an Internship. Networkers who enjoy networking online and offline. Entrepreneurs seeking business Insights and grow their network. Sale Professionals Looking to improve their LinkedIn Profile. Business Owners Looking to hire. Employees looking to switch jobs. Recruiters Looking for Talent. Anyone else on LinkedIn.

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