Web Analytics and Email Marketing

Google Analytics, Blogs and Email Marketing.
Instructed by: Rajneesh Kumar Rai | Subject: Marketing, Analytics & Automation

Web Analytics and Email Marketing Udemy Coupon


This course is regarding Web Analytics i.e how to create your online presence, how to use Google Analytics , different types of Reports in Google analytics, metrics and email marketing etc. Student will able to learn more aspects of digital marketing and can grow himself/herself personally. Students can promote their business or can apply to any organisation as web analyser. Some Main Highlights of this Course are :- Covers all the exact relevant topics. You don't need to spend too much time on this Course for learning. You can download the videos of this course and can watch it offline again and again for clearing your concepts. This course is built with the thought of a beginner in the field as well as for an expert in this field. You will definitely learn something new from this course. Who this course is for: Anyone who wants to do blogging and do web analytics as well as email marketing can opt for this course.


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