YouTube SEO Tutorial 2019 - For Small and New YouTubers

Win at YouTube SEO as a small channel and get the exposure you deserve! Get more views through YouTube SEO strategies!
Instructed by: Darren Taylor | Subject: Marketing, Social Media Marketing

YouTube SEO Tutorial 2019 - For Small and New YouTubers Udemy Coupon


Life as a small YouTuber is tough, I should know, I am also a small (but growing) YouTuber. In this course you're going to learn how to research topics within your niche and produce videos that get exposure in YouTube search (and Google Search too!). A lot of people who create YouTube SEO courses already have large channels with tons of exposure and didn't grow via search, they usually grow via a "viral" video that was promoted via the YouTube algorithm in "suggest videos". This course is all about helping you, the small YouTube channel finally get some exposure via search. My YouTube channel is growing in the incredibly difficult niche of online marketing and I am getting most of my views via search, which is different to most channels that get views via suggested videos, so in this course you'll understand how I am doing it and get to grips with how you can apply this knowledge to your channel too. As a full time professional SEO, I have been optimizing video content for years and that advantage has helped me along my YouTube journey, so you're in good hands when it comes to growing your YouTube video SEO knowledge. What are you waiting for? Isn't it time you got more views on YouTube and started feeling the benefits of knowing your small channel is growing and getting more views! Join me on this course and I'll share my strategies with you. Disclaimer: This course is not for big YouTubers, only smaller channels with less than 5k subs. The strategies for small channels is very different to that of larger channels who already have an audience and can compete at will. This course is for the little guy (or girl) who wants to get more from YouTube! Who this course is for: Small YouTubers looking to grow New YouTubers looking to get more views for their videos People considering starting a YouTube channel in the near future Video marketers who want more exposure

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