Learn design pattern with a project (C#)

This course teaches you Design pattern by using a project using C# programming language.
Instructed by: Shivprasad Koirala | Subject: IT & Software, IT Certification

Learn design pattern with a project (C#) Udemy Coupon


The best way to learn design pattern is by doing a project. If you learn something with a project you learn quickly and you learn to the point. So in this training series we have started with 10 labs which completes a customer data entry screen and implements some important patterns like Factory , Repository , Unit of work , Decorator , Iterator , Mediator and so on. One of the shortcomings of learning with a project is you can not implement all design patterns in one project. So to cover them i have also created individual videos for each design pattern. These specific videos goes more in-depth in to those individual design pattern videos. In this syllabus i have also stressed on architectural concepts like DI , IOC , SOLID principles , Micro services architecture and so on. Below is a the full syllabus of this course :- Lab 1: - Project kick start with requirement , planning and initial coding(Factory pattern,Lazy Pattern and RIP Pattern). Lab 2: - Unity, Strategy, IOC, SRP and SOC. Lab 3: - Template pattern and Repository pattern with ADO.NET. Lab 4: - Adapter Pattern and Repository with EF Lab 5: - UOW(Unit of Work) Lab 6: - Decorator Pattern Lab 7: - Iterator Pattern Lab 8: - Prototype and Memento Pattern Lab 9: - Implementing complex object creation using Factory Method Lab 10: - Implementing NULL design pattern and Mediator pattern. Explain SOLID? Factory pattern and Abstract Factory Pattern Builder Pattern Prototype Pattern Singleton Pattern Adapter Pattern Bridge Pattern Composite Pattern Decorator Pattern Facade Pattern Flyweight Pattern Proxy Pattern Mediator Pattern Memento Pattern Interpreter Pattern Iterator Pattern COR Pattern Command Pattern State Pattern Strategy Pattern Observer Pattern Template Pattern Visitor Pattern Explain IOC(Inversion of Control)? Dependency Injection Fluent interface and method chaining Lazy Loading Explain RIP(Replace IF with Polymorphism) Pattern? Immutable object design pattern Explain Null Design Pattern and its usage. What is Microservices Architecture? Happy learning. Who this course is for: C# developers,Senior developers


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