Introduction to Cyberpsychology

A brief account of the interaction between human beings, society and technology.
Instructed by: Azeem Butt | Subject: Personal Development, Productivity

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The internet, the world wide web, and social media are fantastic tools which have served a purpose to allow us to stay connected to others and gain instant access to the information we needed to know. During the start of the 21st Century we readily accepted technological change as we could foresee the immediate benefits it could bring to our lives. We wanted this change to ensure we never had to spend too much time on tasks we wouldn't want to do. We just wanted the fastest and easiest way to reach our goals and meet our needs. As soon as we would reach a point where a specific need was satisfied, we started to want more and demand more from technology. Eventually as technology kept growing we slowly became more and more entrenched within it. For example, a lot of us possess a laptop, a mobile phone, a tv, an iPad, a gaming console and maybe even a smart watch. A lot of us also wouldn't be able to directly explain why all of these gadgets were needed at the same time other than to say that we just "had to have it" because it's new and it looks cool. However with a lot of these devices we can waste away a lot of our time if we get sucked into the hype too easily. We may even use cyberspace as a means to escape or disconnect from our offline reality. For example, have you ever found yourself scrolling through your Facebook newsfeed, passively observing and not even processing anything that you have read? Have you spent hours on social media watching videos you have a mild interest in, just to know what is trending? What we only realise afterwards is it is all just fake news, people posting content just for the sake of likes and popularity, but we are all sucked into it because we are all subdued by this addiction to the internet. It can seem like an endless cycle of tedium, which distracts us from getting to the tasks we need to do or want to do. I want to help to break you out of this cycle and help you to gain back the control you may have lost. Technology was never meant to hinder the evolution of humanity, but now it seems as if it has weighed us down. I feel it is important that we can preserve humanity in the face of technology. As Albert Einstein said: "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." We enjoyed the new luxuries that technological advancements have brought us and how it gave us access to easily connect with others and gain knowledge, however we have lost ourselves in the process of pursuing so much. We have lost clarity on why we are using technology so much, and how much technology is benefitting us. We are incapable of saying no and putting a pause to our screentime. We even leave ourselves vulnerable to online scams as we are not fully present whilst engaging with technology.

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