Learn Cucumber BDD Framework

Cucumber BDD Framework for Selenium Automation
Instructed by: Pavan Kumar | Subject: IT & Software, Cucumber BDD

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Behavior-driven development, acceptance testing, and test-driven development is one of the latest, most important trends in software delivery. Learn how to implement BDD Cucumber software delivery with Cucumber framework using Java, Selenium, and JUnit. Apply your knowledge to a real-world application. This course covered following topics: Cucumber Introduction TDD (Test Driven Development) Vs BDD (Behavior Driven Development) Set Up Cucumber with Eclipse Install Cucumber Eclipse Plugin Download Cucumber JVM for Eclipse Cucumber Selenium Java Test Cucumber Environment Setting Up Cucumber with Selenium Cucumber Gherkins languages Cucumber – Features file Cucumber – Scenarios Cucumber – Annotations Cucumber - Scenario Outline Cucumber – Tag Cucumber - Data Tables Parameterization in Cucumber Cucumber - Comments Cucumber - Hooks Cucumber - Command Line Options Cucumber - JUnit Runner Cucumber – Reports generation both Html report and Json report All the above topics are discussed from scratch level with Practical examples for better understanding.. Who this course is for: Freshers,Beginners,Test Engineers & Automation Testers


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