Novel Writing & Character Development: Step-by-Step Novels

Write Novel Characters with Ease. Writing Novel Characters for Beginners. Start Your Character Writing Course Today!
Instructed by: Sandy Marsh | Subject: Personal Development, Creativity

Novel Writing & Character Development: Step-by-Step Novels Udemy Coupon


Novel Character Writing Course 1: How to Write a Novel Struggling as an Author? Do you have an amazing story in mind, but you can’t get it down on paper? You’ve got the idea and the characters but soon run out of steam? Perhaps you are a beginner and need help putting it all together. Whatever your reason, this course helps to unlock the secrets of novel writing in simple-to-follow ways that will bring significant results fast. What You'll Learn: THE OUTLINE – How to refine major schemes & subplots that make sense to the reader & also your protagonist. THE SETTING – The art of crafting a sense of place & how to work with multiple locations & time-periods. POINT OF VIEW – Helping you to form the best character perspectives for your story. CHARACTERS – The best way to choose your central character to drive the story forward & one in whom your audience will discover a gripping read. CONFLICT – How & when to use struggle to keep the reader engaged. ADDITIONAL TIPS – A final section that motivates the author to think differently to engage emotion & lose the reader in the heart of the story. Marsh helps an author to think outside of the box when faced with over-used clichés, and to deal with the pressures of deadlines and expectations. - Novel Character Writing Course 2: Character Development Need to Breathe Life into Your Characters? You may have a great story but if your characters are flat and uninteresting your readers will find your story dull. If your lead protagonist isn’t generating empathy, then no one cares what happens to them. Character Development covers every aspect of character building; from developing charismatic and believable people, to making sure they work holistically to drive the narrative forward in realistic ways. What You'll Learn: The Main 12 Character Types 176 Questions to Consider While Creating Characters Every Aspect of Character Building How Characters are Presented & Revealed How to Bring Your Character to Life Creating Expression What Makes a Character Great You have made an excellent decision by choosing to learn more about novel writing & character development. So, don't delay it any longer. Take this opportunity and Enroll Now! Who this course is for: "Novel Writing & Character Development: Step-by-Step Novels" is open to all aspiring novel writers.

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