300+ Q&As - Ace your Android Developer Test or Interview

Destroy your Android Developer test or interview
Instructed by: Catalin Stefan | Subject: Development, Mobile Apps

300+ Q&As - Ace your Android Developer Test or Interview Udemy Coupon


At the end of this course you will have the knowledge to pass any Android Developer test or interview. With more than 300 questions and answers taken straight from the interview room, this course gives you an excellent foundation of theoretical knowledge to prepare for any upcoming challenge. The instructor is a Tech Lead Android Developer, active for more than 10 years in the IT industry. As a Development Team Leader, I have conducted countless highly technical interviews with both beginner and advanced developers. I have a wealth of practical experience and knowledge that I'm looking forward to sharing with you. I have created this interview course to help you prepare for any theoretical challenge that you need to face. We will go through basic Android concepts such as Activities, Services and Push Notifications, advanced Android concepts such as performance optimisations and memory leaks, advanced development concepts like Design Patterns as well as other libraries that are very commonly used in Android Development such as Git, Dagger2 and RxJava, and we will end with general experience questions and team leadership questions. All these questions come up often in interviews and it's important to know how to answer them. With 300+ questions on a range of topics all relating to Android Development, this course your best choice to prepare for your next test.


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