Creating Persuasive Presentations

How to Develop, Design and Deliver Presentations That Mesmerize Audiences
Instructed by: Dayo Samuel | Subject: Personal Development, influence

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It is said that those who develop strong presentation skills do well in life, business, school, secure jobs and promotions and often ascend to the highest levels of leadership in any environment faster. And people who fail to develop quality presentation skills often have their careers stagnate or plateau in the mid-range. Sadly, presentation skills or even smart public speaking skills are either not taught in primary, secondary or tertiary education or are taught poorly. How to Develop, Design & Deliver Presentations That Mesmerize Audiences is your way to get a high level education on how to present effectively. You will receive in-depth training on every aspect of: Presentation Skills Public Speaking Communication Skills Storytelling Skills PowerPoint Usage Confidence on/off Camera If you have ever wanted to: Deliver powerful, high impact business presentations that audiences remember and act on. Connect emotionally with your audience in a way that successfully persuades, influences and informs. Look, sound and feel confident - as if you have been presenting for years. Grab audience attention right from the start and keep it. Simplify complex information and messages so that audiences get, and remember your key messages. Identify your key messages with a laser-like focus for maximum clarity and impact. Slide-by-slide process of designing your own presentation. Learn best presentation practices and useful PowerPoint tricks which includes basic presentation knowledge which you might not be aware of. Then you don't want to miss enrolling for this course as I will be teaching you how to develop, design and deliver presentations that mesmerize your audience using PowerPoint. In case you’re just meeting me, I am Dayo Samuel, and since my undergraduate days (which is slightly over 10 years now), I have created and given presentations locally and internationally, that totally left the audience in exciting thrills of clarity, enlightenment, and confidence. I have had the privilege of helping coaches, speakers, authors, brand ambassadors, and world class trainers create presentations that hit the mark. In fact, one very popular speaker who’s a client of mine, always passes his slides through me whenever he has a presentation to give. So I count this as an opportunity to be a blessing to you. I can teach you how to be and look comfortable, relaxed whether you’re speaking to a large group, doing a video or presenting one on one. I can teach you how to be understood and make sure people remember what you say long after you have said it. This allows you to influence more people on a higher scale. Really, the ultimate goal, is whether in life or business, to equip you to develop, design and deliver your ideas in a way that grabs the head, the heart, and the hand. Every time. You have nothing to lose when you join me in this course today. Knowing that you have a lifetime of presentations ahead of you, why not develop great presentations skills starting now? Who this course is for: This class is perfect for entrepreneurs, professionals, marketers, content strategists, and everyone who needs to hook, persuade, and resonate with an audience. Public speakers, trainers, and people who want to give presentations that mesmerize audiences Pastors, leaders, team managers and those who manage and organize people

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