Master Machine Learning , Deep Learning with Python

Complete course covering fundamentals of Machine learning , Deep learning with Python code
Instructed by: Vishal Kumar Singh | Subject: IT & Software, Machine Learning

Master Machine Learning , Deep Learning with Python Udemy Coupon


A journey of thousand miles begins with first step. You always wanted to learn machine learning but many factors stopped you - fear of Maths , Statistics , the complexity of subject. Today is the day to break away from those fears. Let me tell you another secret the level of maths and statistics required for machine learning is very less than what people imagine. Don't let the fear of Maths and Statistics stop you from mastering machine learning Enrol in the machine learning course and see for yourself that mastering machine learning can be simplified. Following are topics the course covers. The course uses Google Python notebooks. You see the code results immediately. Fundamentals of machine learning - Cost Functions, Labelled and Unlabelled data, Feature weights, Training and Testing Cross Validation. Feature Engineering. Linear Regression Classification - Concepts about True Positive, True Negative, Sensitivity, Specificity, Precison, ROC, AUC, Confusion Matrix KNN - Algorithm OverFitting and UnderFitting Regularization Decision Trees - Entropy, Information Gain Bagging and Boosting Deep Learning - Weights, Bias, Epochs, Gradient Descent,Batch, Stochastic Gradient Descent , Mini Batch

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