Photography Composition Training For Complete Beginners

Photography Composition For Beginners - Learn The Basics Of Taking A Good Photograph In A Simple Step By Step Process
Instructed by: Mark Timberlake | Subject: Photography, Photography Fundamentals

Photography Composition Training For Complete Beginners Udemy Coupon


Photography Composition Training For Complete Beginners Photography Composition For Beginners - Learn The Basics Of Taking A Good Photograph In A Simple Step By Step Process What You Will Learn: In this course you will learn how to see light and use light, which is the basic foundations of photography. You will also learn the most important basic rules of composition that will change your images overnight. Who Is This Course For? This course is for absolute beginners, for someone who has no photography background whatsoever. Course Bonus: As a student of this course, you will get access to a Private Facebook Group where you can get help with your images with support from myself. What Is Taught In The Course: The Single Biggest Secret To Compelling Images In this video we will discuss the importance of isolating the subject. See The Light - Hard Light In this video you will learn about hard light sources. See The Light - Soft Light In this video you will learn about soft light. Colour Temperature In this video we will discuss the basics of colour temperature. Control The Light - Move Your Feet In this video we will explore how moving your feet is the photographers simplest tool for controlling light. Control The Light - Move Your Subject In this video we will talk about moving your subject into light. Control The Light - Move Your Light Source In this section we will talk about moving your light source. Capture The Light In this video we will discuss how cameras record light. Capture The Light - Understanding ISO In this video we will discuss ISO and camera sensors. Capture The Light - Understanding Shutter Speed In this video we will discuss shutter speed. Capture The Light - Understanding Aperture In this video we will discuss lens aperture. Process The Light - Raw vs JPEG In this video we discuss the difference between Raw and JPEG camera files. Process The Light - Key Adjustments In this video we explore the key editing areas for any image. Candid Street Photography In this video we discuss how you can learn good composition skills by practising street photography. Composition - The Rule Of Thirds In this video we talk about the rule of thirds. Composition - Leading Lines In this video we will discuss leading lines. Composition - The Highest Point Of Contrast In this video we discuss how the eye is drawn to the highest point of contrast. Composition - Everything In The Frame In this video we explore how everything in the frame either adds or subtracts to and from the image. Join Us On The Other Side: We look forward to seeing you in the course! Who this course is for: This is for complete beginners in photography - those who know absolutely nothing about composition.

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