How To Install WordPress On Google Cloud

Step by step tutorial on how to install your WordPress website on Google Cloud
Instructed by: Zulkifl Agha | Subject: IT & Software, Operating Systems

How To Install WordPress On Google Cloud Udemy Coupon


Create a Free Account on Google Cloud Platform In this section we will learn to configure a free Google Cloud Platform account Installing WordPress on Google Compute Engine using Google Click to deploy In this section you will learn to Install WordPress on Google Compute Engine using WordPress Google Click to deploy Create External IP Address for WordPress Installation In this section we will learn to configure a an External IP Address for your WordPress Installation Creating DNS - Domain Name Servers in Google Cloud Platform Connecting Google Cloud DNS with Domain Name Registrar's DNS Connecting WordPress Installation with our Domain Name Uploading, downloading, cloning and migrating WordPress WordPress Issues solved & Finalizing Installation Restoring old WordPress Solving issue "File not found" Provide permissions to WordPress Update Database Change WP Admin credentials using PHPmyadmin Regenerating Htaccess Who this course is for: Any one hosting a wordpress website or willing to create a new wordpress site.

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