Intro To MySQL With Node.js - Learn To Use MySQL with Node!

Learn MySql Database With Node.js and Javascript The Fast and Easy Way!
Instructed by: John Elder | Subject: Development, Databases

Intro To MySQL With Node.js - Learn To Use MySQL with Node! Udemy Coupon


These days everything uses a database, and MySQL is one of the most popular databases out there. FREE and Open Source, Mysql is a great database for just about all your needs. Likewise, Node.js is one of the most popular and powerful web development platforms. Pairing the two together is a powerful combination! In this course you'll learn the basics of using MySQL with Node.js and Javascript. You'll learn how to create databases and tables, add data, sort data, create reports, pull specific data, and more. For this courses I'll assume you already have a basic knowledge of Javascript programming and Node, but you don't need to know anything at all about databases or MySQL to take the course. You'll learn... What Is A Database How To Install Node How To Install Git Bash Terminal How To Download MySQL How To Install Wamp and PHPMyAdmin How To Install the MySQL Node Module How To Connect to Database in Node How To Explore MySQL With PHPMyAdmin How To Create A Database How To Create A Table How To Insert One Record Into Table How To Insert Many Records Into Table Understanding Data Types How To Select Data From Table How To Format Our Results How To Use The Where Clause How To Use The Like Clause and Wildcards How To Use AND and OR How To Updating Records How To Limit and Order Results How To Delete Records How To Delete (Drop) A Table And More! I'll walk you through all of this and more, step by step. If you have any question along the way, I'm here to answer them. If you've ever wanted to understand databases or use them in your Node programs, this is the course for you. We'll download everything you need for this course for free, you don't need any special tools! I'll see you on the inside! -John Elder

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