Machine Learning Basics: Building a Regression model in R

Use Linear Regression to solve business problems and master the basics of Machine Learning Linear Regression in R
Instructed by: Start-Tech Academy | Subject: Business, Data & Analytics

Machine Learning Basics: Building a Regression model in R Udemy Coupon


The course "Machine Learning Basics: Building a Regression model in R" teaches you all the steps of creating a Linear Regression model, which is the most popular Machine Learning model, to solve business problems. Below is a list of popular FAQs of students who want to start their Machine learning journey- What is Machine Learning? Machine Learning is a field of computer science which gives the computer the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. It is a branch of artificial intelligence based on the idea that systems can learn from data, identify patterns and make decisions with minimal human intervention. What is the Linear regression technique of Machine learning? Linear Regression is a simple machine learning model for regression problems, i.e., when the target variable is a real value. Linear regression is a linear model, e.g. a model that assumes a linear relationship between the input variables (x) and the single output variable (y). More specifically, that y can be calculated from a linear combination of the input variables (x). When there is a single input variable (x), the method is referred to as simple linear regression. When there are multiple input variables, the method is known as multiple linear regression. Why learn Linear regression technique of Machine learning? There are four reasons to learn Linear regression technique of Machine learning: 1. Linear Regression is the most popular machine learning technique 2. Linear Regression has fairly good prediction accuracy 3. Linear Regression is simple to implement and easy to interpret 4. It gives you a firm base to start learning other advanced techniques of Machine Learning How much time does it take to learn Linear regression technique of machine learning? Linear Regression is easy but no one can determine the learning time it takes. It totally depends on you. The method we adopted to help you learn Linear regression starts from the basics and takes you to advanced level within hours. You can follow the same, but remember you can learn nothing without practicing it. Practice is the only way to remember whatever you have learnt. Therefore, we have also provided you with another data set to work on as a separate project of Linear regression. What are the steps I should follow to be able to build a Machine Learning model? You can divide your learning process into 4 parts: Statistics and Probability - Implementing Machine learning techniques require basic knowledge of Statistics and probability concepts. Second section of the course covers this part. Understanding of Machine learning - Fourth section helps you understand the terms and concepts associated with Machine learning and gives you the steps to be followed to build a machine learning model Programming Experience - A significant part of machine learning is programming. Python and R clearly stand out to be the leaders in the recent days. Third section will help you set up the R environment and teach you some basic operations. In later sections there is a video on how to implement each concept taught in theory lecture in R Understanding of Linear Regression modelling - Having a good knowledge of Linear Regression gives you a solid understanding of how machine learning works. Even though Linear regression is the simplest technique of Machine learning, it is still the most popular one with fairly good prediction ability. Fifth and sixth section cover Linear regression topic end-to-end and with each theory lecture comes a corresponding practical lecture in R where we actually run each query with you. Why use R for data Machine Learning? Understanding R is one of the valuable skills needed for a career in Machine Learning. Below are some reasons why you should learn Machine learning in R 1. It’s a popular language for Machine Learning at top tech firms. Almost all of them hire data scientists who use R. Facebook, for example, uses R to do behavioral analysis with user post data. Google uses R to assess ad effectiveness and make economic forecasts. And by the way, it’s not just tech firms: R is in use at analysis and consulting firms, banks and other financial institutions, academic institutions and research labs, and pretty much everywhere else data needs analyzing and visualizing. 2. Learning the data science basics is arguably easier in R. R has a big advantage: it was designed specifically with data manipulation and analysis in mind. 3. Amazing packages that make your life easier. Because R was designed with statistical analysis in mind, it has a fantastic ecosystem of packages and other resources that are great for data science. 4. Robust, growing community of data scientists and statisticians. As the field of data science has exploded, R has exploded with it, becoming one of the fastest-growing languages in the world (as measured by StackOverflow). That means it’s easy to find answers to questions and community guidance as you work your way through projects in R. 5. Put another tool in your toolkit. No one language is going to be the right tool for every job. Adding R to your repertoire will make some projects easier – and of course, it’ll also make you a more flexible and marketable employee when you’re looking for jobs in data science. What is the difference between Data Mining, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning? Put simply, machine learning and data mining use the same algorithms and techniques as data mining, except the kinds of predictions vary. While data mining discovers previously unknown patterns and knowledge, machine learning reproduces known patterns and knowledge—and further automatically applies that information to data, decision-making, and actions. Deep learning, on the other hand, uses advanced computing power and special types of neural networks and applies them to large amounts of data to learn, understand, and identify complicated patterns. Automatic language translation and medical diagnoses are examples of deep learning.

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