Typescript with modern React (i.e. hooks, context, suspense)

Adding typescript to a modern react project with hooks (useState, useContext, useEffect) and code splitting with lazy.
Instructed by: Richard Oliver Bray | Subject: Development, Web Development

Typescript with modern React (i.e. hooks, context, suspense) Udemy Coupon


In this course you will learn how to add typescript to a create-react-app project as well as adding it to a react project from scratch with webpack and babel. You will learn a bit about react hooks, (useState, useContext, useReducer and useEffect), in a react typescript project as well as using suspense to lazy load a component. We will also attempt to recreate redux, (or the redux principles) with useReducer and Context. This course is at an intermediate/advance level and assumes you have used React and Redux before, however you don't need to know any typescript for this. Who this course is for: Front end developers who want to level up their knowledge of React and Typescript Developers who want to know a bit more about using hooks


Course Info