The Pet Care Guide For Dog Owners To A Happy & Healthy Dog

Learn the essentials, gain the skills & have the proper tools to provide the very best pet care for your dog
Instructed by: Tatiana Ambrose | Subject: Lifestyle, Pet Care & Training

The Pet Care Guide For Dog Owners To A Happy & Healthy Dog


Are you doing everything possible to keep your dog healthy? This course will walk you through dog care basic to make sure you're never caught off guard! Do you know what your dog's teeth are telling you about its health? The teeth can show dangers about internal health in the future! Can you tell if your dog is overweight, underweight or at an idea weight? Simple tricks throughout this course will make learning fun about keeping your dog healthy! If you didn't answer the above questions with confidence or unsure of the answer then this course is for you! Tatiana has worked in different dog fields such as: dog stores, dog grooming, dog training and at a veterinary clinic. She currently owns 3 dogs of her own and fosters puppies for a rescue until they are placed in a forever home. Tatiana has partnered with Nicole in this course, who is a licensed veterinary technician, with over 15 years of experience with dogs and cats. Nicole will cover the veterinary related topics that most people are curious about such as: dog ear care, signs your dog may have an ear infection, parasites in dogs, and your dog's dental health.


  1. Bathe your dog at home
  2. Know what your dog's teeth are telling you about his/her health
  3. Trim your dog's nails
  4. Know the dangers of fleas and ticks and how to keep your dog parasite free
  5. Prevent heat stroke in your dog
  6. Clean your dog's ears
  7. Try different methods to make pill taking easier
  8. Understand how a dog gets heartworms
  9. Be able to tell if your dog is overweight, underweight or an ideal weight range
  10. Know the signs that your dog may have an ear infection
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