DeskJob Diet [Free Course]

An effortless guide to low body fat in the office, on the go, or if you don't have time
Instructed by: Andrew Kobylarz | Subject: Health & Fitness, Fitness

DeskJob Diet [Udemy Course]


Going on a diet in today’s world is hard. You’re busy juggling a lot of things, like work, errands, family, friends, and other extracurricular activities. Dieting is especially hard when you factor in work at the office, constantly being on the go, traveling, on your feet, or just don’t have time. You try anyway. But, what happens when you can’t get it right? You go through cycles of being on and off a diet, going through the frustration of not being able to sustain a “diet”. Then we fall into the same routines because we’re working at a desk, need to meet the demands of our job, and just can’t figure out how to eat healthy on a consistent basis. Sometimes we aren’t even aware the food that we’re eating is even unhealthy! On top of all that, we’re inundated with nutrition and diet information that just isn’t practical for our daily lives. It seems hard to imagine but conventional dieting, and the advice that comes with it, just doesn’t work. Eating right a majority of the time though does. If you’re someone who wants to obtain or maintain low body fat, feel healthy, and be confident with their body but struggles with eating right on a consistent basis because they’re a busy executive, then sign up for my course below.


  1. Obtain or maintain low body fat, feel healthy, and be confident with minimal effort
  2. Make healthy food choices in the office, on the go, during travel, and if you don't have time
  3. Create a system to effortlessy sustain healthy eating routines
  4. Cook 6 easy, healthy recipes
  5. Make healthier alcohol beverage choices
  6. Make more educated decisions on the food you buy
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