Get A Job - The Neuroscience Way™ [Free Course]

Real Nuero-Strategies That Will Help You Land A Job
Instructed by: Joe Fedison | Subject: Personal Development, Career Development

Get A Job - The Neuroscience Way™ [Udemy Course]


The question you need to answer is simple: "Would it be valuable to learn how the brain works and use that knowledge to help get a job?" That is the entire focus of this course. Let's assume you have the right qualifications to get a certain job. If you are out there interviewing, but keep getting rejection letters and can't figure out why - then this course might have the answers you are looking for. Unfortunately, not every job goes to the most qualified person. A lot of companies are hiring based on "cultural" - do they believe you will "fit" into how their company current runs.


  1. Use a new set of neuroscience-based skills that will dramatically increase your value in the job market.
  2. Pinpoint what was causing employment rejections in the past and avoid them in the future.
  3. Understand how you are consciously and subconsciously influencing the hiring process.
  4. Successfully use specific Neuro-strategies to connect and influence while networking, during interviews, and talking on the phone.
  5. Learn how your brain REALLY processes information (Emotional Intelligence) and how to capitalize on it.
  6. Learn neuroscience based techniques to increase your confidence when it matters the most.
  7. Understand how Brain Biases may be affecting the decision to offer you a job or not.
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