Mastering Curves in Photoshop CC [Free Coupon]

Learn Most Powerful Adjustment Layer in Photoshop - Curves - Process and Retouch Your Images from Start to Finish
Instructed by: Marcin Mikus | Subject: Design, Graphic Design

Mastering Curves in Photoshop CC [Udemy Course]


Why Curves? Why I decided to make a course focused on this one Adjustment Layer. What is the advantage of curves comparing to for example to levels or other adjustments in Photoshop. When it comes to adjusting contrasts, tones and shadows – There's nothing more powerful than curves. It gives You amazing control on adjusting Shadows, Highlights, Contrasts, Brightness and Color in Photoshop. And even what's more! - If You learn how to use Curves in the right way, it will allow You to process and retouch whole Image from the start to finish. If You don't know how to do this, or You are just someone who want to explore more photoshop and retouching – I am here to help and give whats best I know. In a few hours You will learn everything You need to know about curves. Don't worry If You are beginner – because we are going to start simple! We will walk through every possible subject in a few separated sections. We will talk about just enough theory to make You confident with what You're doing. From practical things – You will know everything about Shadows and Highlights, contrasts, Colors, Toning, Fixing Tones, Fixing Exposure, Working with right blending modes. You will learn how to work with masks in effective way to have full control on every part of the image. And Finally – You will learn retouching by curves! From start to finish – whether You working with studio – or audio images!


  1. Work comfortably with Photoshop
  2. Using Curves adjustment layers
  3. Edit Images in nondestructive way
  4. Setting Shadows and Highlights on The Image
  5. Adjusting Brightness and Contrast of The Image
  6. Making Specific Tonal Adjustments
  7. Fixing Tones and Colors of The Image
  8. Working with Masks in Photoshop
  9. Making Color Adjustments
  10. Process Images from Start to Finnish
  11. Retouch Images from Start to Finnish
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