Complete Ethical Hacking Series: Pen Testing the Right Way [Free Course]

Complete Ethical Hacking Series (CEHv9): Pen Testing the Right Way
Instructed by: Chad Russell | Subject: IT & Software, Network & Security

Complete Ethical Hacking Series: Pen Testing the Right Way [Udemy Course]


Complete Ethical Hacking Series: Pen Testing the Right Way This course is for beginners and IT pros looking to get certified and land an entry level Cyber Security position paying upwards of six figures! Each chapter closes with exercises putting your new learned skills into practical use immediately. You will start by understand network anonymity by using tools such as Tor, Tortilla and Proxy Chains.


  1. You will learn how to pen test applications, databases, conduct vulnerability scans, attack Macs and leverage advanced techniques such as buffer overflows using tools such as Metasploit.
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