Conquer your mind to assign empowering meanings [Free Course]

Gain control over your mind. Make better choices. Be more disciplined. Become independent of other peoples' opinions.
Instructed by: Rohit Sethi | Subject: Personal Development, Self Esteem

Conquer your mind to assign empowering meanings [Udemy Course]


“I don’t wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got to get down to work” ~ Pearl S. Buck From my extensive studying of people who achieved tremendous success in their lives – and by success – I don’t mean material things, I mean an overall sense of well-being and fulfillment, I can confidently assert that: ‘Our Inner World shapes our Outer World’. The ability to master our minds and assign empowering meanings is the most important tool in self-help/ personal development. Every day, while we see more people redefine the word ‘impossible’, it is ironical how most people don’t even practice the most basic principles from the science of achievement. We cannot always control our ‘Outer World’ – Our bodies change, the economies change, people change, ups and downs are a part of life – But what we can almost always control is the meaning we assign to whatever happens. That brief moment between – when we get to know of an event and when we decide what it means to us, is the moment of the ‘I’ – and that is our free will at play! For most people who are not aware or are not trained at it, this process is so unconscious and rapid that they might even find it difficult to believe that it can be changed. In your pursuit towards achieving anything, you need to have a strong mental muscle. What I mean is that as events continue to happen, you need to be able to assign them positive meanings and take results as feedback instead of full and final failure. People, who fail and stop, become content with their failures. People who are absolutely committed to success carry on despite the number of disappointments they encounter. They don’t stop until they absolutely obtain what they are looking for. Imagine how much more you could achieve for yourself and your loved ones, if you were able to assign meanings at will to situations/ events as they unfold. Assigning positive/ empowering meanings would always keep you in a state of resourcefulness from where you will continue to take constructive forward action towards your goals. There is a voice in our heads that constantly keeps talking and hardly ever shuts up! What is ironical is that most people don’t even realize the presence of this voice. In fact, now that you are reading about it, maybe you will notice it for the first time! Mastering this self-talk is a key requirement for achieving a stronger mental muscle. Imagine how much more you could achieve in life for yourself and your loved ones, if that voice in your head encouraged you each time instead of putting you down/ discouraging you.


  1. Master the mechanism of how we assign a meaning to everything that happens to/ around us
  2. Gain control over your decision-making process
  3. Make choices that extraordinary achievers make
  4. Master the art of finding positives in life
  5. Make yourself independent of other peoples’ opinions
  6. Listen more to your intuition
  7. Unlock a higher level of discipline
  8. Reduce interference that impacts your performance
  9. Learn positive visualization and mental rehearsal
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