Revamp your belief system to overcome limiting beliefs [Free Course]

Beliefs are the ultimate truth. Identify limiting beliefs and adopt empowering ones. Leverage power of 'The Shift'.
Instructed by: Beliefs are the ultimate truth. Identify limiting beliefs and adopt empowering ones. Leverage power of 'The Shift'. | Subject: Personal Development, Personal Transformation

Revamp your belief system to overcome limiting beliefs [Udemy Course]


It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.” ~ Muhammad Ali Our beliefs are the glasses through which we see the world, and note here that I am calling them glasses as they can be changed! The beliefs that we have about ourselves are typically covered under topics such as called ‘Self-image’ or ‘Self-esteem’. In this course, we will focus more on our beliefs about the world and life in general. These beliefs define the frame of reference from where we view the world. As Stephen Covey said, ‘We see the world, not as it is, but as we are-or, as we are conditioned to see it.’ If we examine our beliefs closely, we will realize that most of them come from our family, schools and the society in general. We did not really question or test them for ourselves. Most people do that as it is easier to take an established idea and believe it, rather than question and verify it for ourselves. Over time of behaving in accordance with our beliefs, we get massively conditioned to act in certain ways. As Mark Twain said, ‘The trouble with the world is not that people know too little, but that they know so many things that ain’t so.’ He was referring to beliefs that people continue to have without understanding where they came from.


  1. Appreciate the strong correlation between our beliefs and how our lives unfold, that is, how we create our realities based on our beliefs
  2. Assess the health level of their current beliefs including identification of their limiting beliefs
  3. Understand how limiting beliefs can be discarded/ converted into empowering ones
  4. Unlock a new level of motivation, excitement and achievement
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