JavaScript Deep Dive: Explore JS (For Beginners-to-Advanced) [Free Course]

JavaScript for Beginners to Advanced by Industry Expert! The most comprehensive and Hands-on course on Java Script
Instructed by: AkaSkills ! | Subject: Development, Programming Languages

JavaScript Deep Dive: Explore JS (For Beginners-to-Advanced) [Udemy Course]


Welcome to JavaScript Deep Dive: Explore JS (For Beginners-to-Advanced) Java Script is an object-oriented programming language of the web platform. As all the Software is coming Web based, so JavaScript rules the web. Every Web based software is relying more and more on JavaScript. Learn how to code in one of the most in-demand languages of today.


  1. Understand JavaScript Basics and Implement JavaScript Tools
  2. Understand Types, Variables, Operators and expressions,
  3. Use Conditional Statements, Loops, Arrays, Functions and Objects
  4. Implement JavaScript UI and DOM
  5. Understand DOM Operations, Event model
  6. Implement jQuery, jQuery plugins
  7. Design HTML5 Templates with Handlebars
  8. Optimise DOM Performance
  9. Learn OOP with JavaScript
  10. Understand Functions declarations, expressions and IIFEs
  11. Use Closures and Scope, Modules and Patterns
  12. Use Classes and Constructors, Methods, Properties and Inheritance in ES6
  13. Develop JavaScript Applications
  14. Understand Promises and Asynchronous Programming ES2015
  15. Learn HTTP & AJAX
  16. Consuming Web Services, Module loaders, Routing, Web Storages
  17. Unit testing with Mocha, Unit testing - Spies and Mocks with Sinon
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