Master the Magic of Content Marketing [Free Coupon]

Stop making products that don’t go anywhere, and let’s start making work that matters.
Instructed by: One Month | Subject: Marketing, Content Marketing

Master the Magic of Content Marketing [Udemy Course]


Have you ever written a blog post, made a fancy PDF, or shared an image — only to hear the sound of crickets? Content Marketing is the beautiful art of making work that matters — and then, finding ways to share it with people who want to see it. Imagine posting recipes and photos to your Instagram account and gaining a following for your work. Or, if you’re a business owner, meeting the right clients by giving them what they want — cultivating a relationship instead of feeling like a sleazy salesperson. What if you could create something that people actually want to download, creating fans and followers for your audience in an authentic, community-oriented way? If you’re tired of creating content that doesn’t go anywhere, in our content marketing course you’ll learn our proven strategies for building an audience, growing your leads, and creating valuable content that actually gets shared. Along the way, I’ll share with you specific strategies for growing an audience, building a body of work, and positioning you (or your company’s executives) as a thought leader within your industry.


  1. Learn common content marketing mistakes
  2. Understand how to grow an audience and relationship building strategies
  3. Pick up strategies to create highly valuable content and quick ways to get more leads
  4. Learn how to use landing pages, A/B testing, and email optin strategies to get real results
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