Personal Budgeting: How To Find & Eliminate Spending Leaks [Free Course]

Learning to budget is great, but you need actionable steps to stay on track and control your spending.
Instructed by: Amy White | Subject: Personal Development, Personal Finance

Personal Budgeting: How To Find & Eliminate Spending Leaks [Udemy Course]


How To Find & Eliminate Spending Leaks is designed to help you plug the leaks your personal budget. By the end of this course you will have the tools needed to identify and correct key holes in your budget. We will go over the worst offenders including your current bills, miscellaneous bills, grocery spending, & credit card usage. I have included step by step directions and am using these same methods to control my spending. By using these simple steps my family has paid off $328,000 in debt over the last 7 years. It has been a long process, but I firmly believe that anyone can decrease debt by learning to control their personal finances. This class will provide the foundational tools you need to begin this process.


  1. I will teach my students to save money by learning to control their spending. We will focus on finding and eliminating the excess spending in their existing budgets. The goal is to take control of your spending to give yourself a personal raise.
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