Memory Experts' Tools: The PAO(Person-Action-Object) System [Free Coupon]

Learn all about this powerful memory improvement technique used by all memory athletes
Instructed by: Chris M Nemo | Subject: Personal Development, Personal Transformation

Memory Experts' Tools: The PAO(Person-Action-Object) System [Udemy Course]


This course is the third in the series "The Memory Experts' Tools" and is dedicated to the Person-Action-Object Method of memorization (also known as "The P.A.O System"). In the first course of this series, dedicated to the Loci method, we've learned how to create the structure on which to place the mnemonic images Then,in the Person-Action(Dominic) system course,we've learned a powerfull method to create these mental pictures, by encoding the information into memorable images. In this course,we will move on to the next level of mental imagery.A real mnemonic nuclear weapon will enter your arsenal. The series will be continued with other courses dedicated to the most powerful mnemonic techniques, presented in detail and with a lot of examples.These courses can make you understand better what memory improvement is about, and see for yourself just how simple and handy this skill is. You will learn simple but powerful techniques used by memory experts in competitions, that can help you achieve amazing results with your memory. You've probably heard about the PAO system so far, but in this course I've been trying to show you more about this technique, along with a lot of examples, so you can fully understand it and apply it to your everyday activities.


  1. At the end of my course, you will be able to memorize long sequences of items (long numbers,binary digits or playing cards)
  2. This course will give you a boost for studying anything you want to learn.
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