Open an E-Commerce Shop In One Day with WooCommerce & Amazon [Free Coupon]

Create an e-commerce shop in one day with learning Wordpress, WooCommerce & Amazon Affiliates. Coding is not required!
Instructed by: Atil Samancioglu | Subject: Development, Ecommerce

Open an E-Commerce Shop In One Day with WooCommerce & Amazon [Udemy Course]


This course is great for people who are eager to learn about e-commerce and make passive income. I will take you through from scratch to ready to deploy e-commerce shop development. You will learn how to setup a domain and hosting. You will learn how to install and use Wordpress and related features. You will learn how to build an e-commerce shop with WooCommerce plugin. You will learn how to become an Amazon Affiliate. You will learn how to import products from Amazon automatically. You will learn how to update them and finally beautify your website with premium themes and features. We will go over on security and design matters as well. Bear in mind that you will have to pay for domains, hosting and WooCommerce Amazon plugin to create an e-commerce. (Those items are completely unrelated to the creator of this course) However if you already have those items, you will not have to pay for anything.


  1. Create your own e-commerce shops
  2. Become an Amazon Affiliate
  3. Become comfortable with Wordpress
  4. Become comfortable with hosting & domains
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