Shopify or Woocommerce ? [Free Course]

Make the right decision ! Learn the pros and cons of Shopify and Woocommerce, and decide which is best for you.
Instructed by: Tim Sharp | Subject: Business, Ecommerce

Shopify or Woocommerce ? [Udemy Course]


Welcome to 'Shopify or Woocommerce ?' If you are super-excited to get into the amazing world of ecommerce, but you're confused about Shopify and Woocommerce, then this mini-course will save you a ton of time and help you make the right decision. My name is Tim Sharp and I've been a successful online entrepreneur since 2004 and I'm also one of the best selling Udemy Instructors in Ecommerce with over 26000 students. Over the years, I've built successful businesses in eCommerce, WordPress, Affiliate Marketing and Web and Database Development. I have extensive knowledge of the complete business cycle and a wealth of real world experience. In this course, I'm going to take you step-by-step through the pros and cons of both Shopify and Woocommerce so you make an informed decision about which software platform is best for you.


  1. At the end of the course you will have a clear understanding of which platform is best for you.
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