Succeeding in 20s: Avoid typical mistakes & emerge as winner [Free Course]

Overcome quarter-life crisis. Keep dreams alive. Find your identity. Make key decisions. Use time and energy effectively
Instructed by: Rohit Sethi | Subject: Personal Development, Career Development

Succeeding in 20s: Avoid typical mistakes & emerge as winner [Udemy Course]


“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” ~Nelson Mandela Something major happens when you leave your schools and step into the so called “real” world. It is a difficult time, and in some cases, even more than that. It brings the stark realization of the disconnect between your vision of the world and how it really is, and this disconnect starts to emerge across all areas of life, that is, Physical (Health), Intellectual (Work), Social (Relationships), Financial (Money) and Spiritual (Soul). Although it seems to be this way, you are struggling to believe that this is it! In a very short span of time before you could even be adequately prepared for it, you find yourself hit by confusions, insecurities, disappointments, loneliness and eventually, at least a mild depression, if not a full-blown one. You are not able to visualize where your life is headed like this. You think endlessly about all your potential options and how you can break out of this life and get to those. Although there is tons of material available in the form of individual quotes or videos around the do’s and don’ts for the twenties, it is good for providing food for thought. In order for such material to be really effective, it is important that the material is provided as a comprehensive curriculum on succeeding in the twenties, which is precisely the intent behind this course.


  1. Avoid the typical mistakes that most people make in these years, that have far-reaching adverse consequences
  2. Gain more control of their life in twenties
  3. Make right long-term decisions that will put them on trajectories leading to the lives they wish to live
  4. Understand how to handle quarter-life crisis if they are going through it
  5. Understand the key challenges that most people face in these years
  6. Adopt the core beliefs that will help them make the most of these years
  7. Develop the right mindset/ approach to use the time and energy one has in these years most effectively
  8. Understand the key dynamics playing out during these years across the various areas of life: Physical (Health), Intellectual (Work), Social (Relationships), Financial (Money) and Spiritual (Soul)
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