Learn to Craft and Build Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn® [Free Coupon]

Whether you're a Java or C++ programmer, in sales, or on the job search you can accelerate your career with LinkedIn®.
Instructed by: Davis Jones. MBA | Subject: Personal Development, Career Development

Learn to Craft and Build Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn®


300,000,000+ professionals are active on LinkedIn®--the network is quickly becoming an essential part of every modern professional's career presence. On the other side of Eazl's course on advanced LinkedIn® profile building, you'll have a profile that increases your visibility, that helps you get found for big opportunities, and that makes you someone that other people want to have in their professional networks.


  1. Learn how to connect your resume, LinkedIn® profile, and networking efforts with interviewing and targeting jobs.
  2. Learn to decode industrial cultures and optimize your targeting for your audience.
  3. Learn, based on research, what matters in professional photos and how you can make an instant impact with yours.
  4. Learn how to craft relevant, keyword optimized copy for your profile so that you can build trust and win opportunities.
  5. Learn how to leverage supplementary visual assets to tell your professional story powerfully.
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