Facebook Marketplace Masterclass: The Complete Course

#1 Facebook Marketplace Course for Entrepreneur, Drop Shippers, Marketers & Opportunity-Seekers
Instructed by: Leon Chaudhari | Subject: Business, Entrepreneurship


Would you like to start your own drop shipping business but think that it’s too complicated or that there is too much competition? Then this course will help you out. In this course, I will take you from a complete beginner in drop shipping to an expert in importing products via Aliexpress from China who owns a profitable drop shipping business set up with Facebook Marketplace. Here is what you are going to gain from enrolling in this course… In this course, I will show you step by step how to sell products globally via the newly introduced Facebook Marketplace - Facebook's answer to Amazon, Craigslist and ebay. We will together learn how to identify products with high profit margins, how import products from China via Aliexpress, how to use software tools such as Oberlo and Honey. You will additionally learn how to create location-dependent offers on Facebook Marketplace and set up a Facebook Marketplace online store with thousands of products without having to rent a warehouse or anything - you only need your laptop and no up-front investments have to be made. We will start making money from day 1.


  1. Set up their own professional online drop shipping business and Facebook Marketplace shop
  2. Master the art of identifying products, writing product descriptions, and selling products
  3. Understand how to brand yourself/your company on Facebook
  4. Know how to set up location-dependent offers
  5. Set up a drop shipping business with Aliexpress, Amazon and Alibaba
  6. Set up a drop shipping business with Aliexpress, Amazon and Alibaba
  7. Know how to import product from China via Aliexpress
  8. and much more!
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