Tweetme | Build a Twitter-like app step by step with Django

Learn Django 1.10, jQuery, and Bootstrap step by step by building a real project that works like Twitter!
Instructed by: Justin Mitchel | Subject: Development, Web Development


Social media has changed the way we communicate with each other. The power behind social media allows us to do amazing things together. What exactly is behind it? Well.. it's Simple Web Application concepts that can be applied to ALL and ANY web applications that you may build. In this course we're going to teach you what's behind how Twitter works. Now, Twitter has hundreds of developers so what we're actually building is the basis of what Twitter once was, the absolute most simple things by learning more Django along the way.


  1. Build a real service like
  2. A deeper understanding of Django
  3. Build projects that rely on an API using the Django Rest Framework
  4. Working with AJAX and jQuery
  5. Auto-generate hashtags and hashtag filter (#yourtag)
  6. Build projects using Django 1.10
  7. Integrate Bootstrap ( as a front end framework
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