Try Django 1.10 | Create a URL Shortening Service

Django is a powerful web framework that makes it easy to build web applications it's why it's the #1 Python library
Instructed by: Justin Mitchel | Subject: Development, Web Development


Try Django 1.10 is an introduction to Django version 1.10 by creating a simple, yet robust, URL Shortening Service. This series covers a variety of Django basics as well as Django 1.10 specific material. Generally the topics will include: - How we made the Kirr url shortening service - Django Project Setup - Class Based Views (& some Function Based Views) - Models, Model Forms, Forms, Form Validation - Overriding Model Save Method - Launching on a Live Server (via Heroku) - Custom Validation directly on Django Fields - And More


  1. Django Basics & Django version 1.10
  2. Build a URL Shortening Service Identical to (as of 10-22-2016)
  3. Django Models, Managers, and Save Methods
  4. Generating Random Shortcodes
  5. Launching a live project (on
  6. Bootstrap Integration
  7. Template Inheritance
  8. Django-hosts (for controlling subdomains)
  9. Setup a Domain name to your hosting server
  10. Much more!
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