GearUp Word Office 2016 [from a newbie to a crackerjack] Ch1

Simply, you will upgrade your skills to a Word Microsoft Office profession
Instructed by: DR Nazmy | Subject: Office Productivity, Microsoft


This course was designed for : Students or any person that want to do freelancing jobs using word office Work from home virtual assistant Any individual that would like to upgrade his word office skills Anyone wants to prepare for learning html5 and css 3 [ building websites ] College student that is preparing a research paper using word office


  1. In Chapter1 students will learn how to use every text styling tool , differentiate between text types , using paragraph styling tools
  2. Do not miss out the hashtags for EXTRA tutorials
  3. you would be able to add lists ,headings , titles
  4. bold , underline , italic , text typography
  5. add borders , Subscript , super script
  6. choose font type , color , shading
  7. set text type and highlight texts
  8. align texts , intend lines or pragraphs
  9. use ruler , grid-lines , navigation pane
  10. markup texts , copy , paste , cut , format painter
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