SEO for Bloggers and Other Content Creators

Basic SEO practices for non-technical writers and web content producers.
Instructed by: Lesa Townsend | Subject: Marketing, Search Engine Optimization


Search engine optimization, or SEO, helps to ensure that a webpage or website is accessible to a search engine and improves the chances that the site will be found via search by the real humans who are looking for the content you publish. After all, it’s the real humans who read your content, sign up for your free gifts and take advantage of your offers. And it’s the real humans that hire you and pay your fees. The humans just happen to use a search engine to find your website. SEO that focuses only on search engines – especially at the expense of your real human visitors – isn’t worth your time. So this course won’t include “secrets” that only the professionals can use, or techniques that may soon become obsolete with the next Google update; instead, this course will make SEO approachable and simple to use, even if you aren’t technically inclined. We’ll start with a good introduction to how engines actually work to catalog and deliver content to users and then cover how you can help them accurately display your content to the people looking for what you write about. The more you give the search engines what they need to do their jobs, the more traffic your content will generate. This course isn’t designed to teach you all that there is to know about SEO; exhausting that topic would take much more than an hour and a half.


  1. Describe how search engines catalog content.
  2. Understand how Authority affects search rankings.
  3. Identify the 5 components of on-page SEO.
  4. Understand how to write and post content to the web so it will be found by search engines.
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