International Tourism: Advertisement and Tourist Sites

Tourism for begginers
Instructed by: Elsy Ventura | Subject: Personal Development, Travel


Hello students! welcome to this course called "international tourism". In our course you will know some important things if you travel to another country, the sections that compose this course: Advertisement: this section include different types of an advertisement that exist and also how to use the verb "will". Tourist sites: this section show the most popular tourist sites around the world and also some important things of how to use the verb "going to". Hotel reservation: this section is amazing beacuse the luxury and the most popular hotels arround the world are present here and also you will learn about the uses of the verb may, migth and may not. Travel advice: this section show the best and important advice to have the best travel in your life. At the end of this course, we hope you had fun and at the same time learned about international tourism.


  1. interpret the way that the oral and written lenguage are related to advertisement, tourist sites, hotel reservetions and travel advice in spoken and written text in order to comunicate appriately with others persons that are part of international tourism.
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