Online Marketing: The Best Selling Author Sales Funnel

Sell more! Amazon Kindle, self-published, best-selling authors all can take advantage of the Best Selling Author Funnel.
Instructed by: Zach Miller | Subject: Marketing, Marketing Fundamentals


Take this new marketing tool for authors and use it to build credibility and DOUBLE YOUR INCOME! You have a book you wish to create OR are on your way to creating it. But what are you going to do once the book is complete? You don't know how to market it or how to use it for business so you can live the lifestyle that you desire, right? Well inside you'll learn the tools necessary to maximize the vast work you put into your book and explode your income! Use tools like websites, opt ins, landing pages, one time offers, upsells and more to promote your book. Do you create an ebook, a workbook, a paperback. Either option will work for this sales funnel! You will learn all of these tools in this course! Stop building someone else's dream and start living the dream you want to live! Register today!


  1. You'll know how to turn your passion into profit
  2. You'll know how to write your own book from scratch
  3. You'll know how to sell your book using a sales funnel
  4. You'll know how to sell additional offers with your book
  5. You'll know how to structure each upsell so it is logically bought and wanted
  6. You'll know how to sell more books or products IMMEDIATELY after someone just bought from you WITHOUT making them mad
  7. You'll know how to communicate with your audience daily
  8. You'll know why it's important to communicate daily with your email list
  9. You'll know how to attract immediate attention to your daily emails
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