Learn Xamarin for iOS and Android [Free Course]

Learn development in Xamarin.iOS​ and Xamarin.Android
Instructed by: Wade Christensen | Subject: Development, Mobile Apps

Learn Xamarin for iOS and Android Udemy Coupon


In this two part course you will learn Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android. Xamarin.iOS allows developers to build native iOS apps with a C# codebase. Learn how to build your first iOS apps with Xamarin and review iOS design patterns such as Model-View-Controller architecture. Learn how to create a new project in Visual Studio, code the app UI and behavior, build the project, and test it on an iOS emulator Xamarin.Android allows developers to build native Android apps with a C# codebase. To be effective with the framework, you need to understand activities, the basic building blocks of an Android app, and learn how to build UI components with XML. This course introduces these key skills, along with tips for working with the Xamarin.Android Designer.


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