Market Research to Find & Sell Your Dream Clients [100% Off]

Step-By-Step Market Research Guide Uncovers Profitable Niches Online to Build Lucrative Businesses Without The Guesswork
Instructed by: Zach Miller | Subject: Marketing, Growth Hacking

Market Research to Find & Sell Your Dream Clients Udemy Coupon


Zach Miller’s Course Includes: Your Dream 100 is a list of 100 influencers you’d most like to get next to. These 100 people share your values, and stand to help you communicate those values – in any number of ways – to your prospects and customers. When I created my Dream 100, I started with a list of influencers in marketing and branding. But I quickly realized that the list would be much more meaningful for me – and so would the relationships I was on a quest to build – if I chose people who believed what I believed. People who inspired me or moved me to act because I was loving what they created and my heart was in it. When you create your Dream 100 list and communicate with them in the unique ways I've laid out, you'll be able to reach meag-influencers within your industry. And JUST ONE of these people on your Dream 100 list is worth 1,000 CUSTOMERS. So you can imagine where your time is best spent in business... creating relationships with your Dream 100 list!

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