The Beginner's Guide to Music Theory and Reading Music

Learn How Music Theory, Reading Music, and Writing Music Can Make You Better at Music Production and Music Composition.
Instructed by: Tomas George | Subject: Music, Music Fundamentals

The Beginner's Guide to Music Theory and Reading Music Udemy Coupon


Learn Music Theory and Reading Music in this New Course! Many people try to learn music but struggle because there is so much to know! Most quit before they even get started. :( That's because they've never been taught the program in a step-by-step, easy to learn manner. But that isn't you now, is it? You have found the perfect course for learning music theory. It doesn't matter if you have no experience at all, this course was designed to teach you music theory and reading music in the most effective means necessary. With over 5 hours of video, this music course is JAM PACKED with information to help you learn music today! The videos build on one another so that as you work through this course, you will understand more and more! Pretty sweet, huh? :) Not only that, but this course is also designed so that if you already know some music theory or how to read music and just need help with a specific principle, you can skip directly to that topic! So who can benefit from learning music theory? Understanding the basics of music is useful for a lot of careers, industries, and hobbies. It doesn't matter if it's songwriting, music production, instrument playing, music composition, or singing. This course will cover ideas that can be used in any niche! Each section goes into specific detail of the principle being shown so that you will feel comfortable using them on your own.

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